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Exploring the Vendor Timekeeper Learning Plan

Let’s dive into the Vendor Timekeeper Learning Plan to see what it offers. This plan is designed to equip Timekeepers with essential skills and knowledge to navigate our system efficiently, such as:

Core Navigation
Learn the basics of navigating the system. This foundational knowledge is essential for becoming comfortable with the platform.

The 5’s of TRACK
Learning the 5 A’s of the TRACK Daily Settlement Process, even though a Timekeeper may not perform all of them, provides valuable insight into the entire workflow, enhancing their overall understanding and efficiency.

Labor Daily Settlement Process
Learn the essentials of managing resources by gaining a deeper understanding of the Labor Hours and Labor Details screens, which are crucial for overseeing daily operations.

Handling Overrides
Learn how to request overrides and the steps to reprocess rejected override requests, ensuring Timekeepers can handle these situations smoothly.

Equipment Events and Material Charges
Learn how to process Company Owned Equipment usage and Material charges such as third-party receipts.

Allocation and Acceptance
Learn how to allocate and accept labor, equipment, and material charges. These steps are vital for accurate billing.

Running Reports
Learn how to run the Not Allocated and Not Accepted reports to ensure nothing is overlooked. These are great tools to use before reconciling.

This is just a glimpse of what we cover in the Vendor Timekeeper Learning Plan. For a complete list of courses, check out the MCi Track Vendor Timekeeper learning plan.

Visit TRACK University today.