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How Technology Helps Overcome 10 of the Top Operational Challenges in the Energy Sector

In this article, MCi's Bruce Grissom explores how recent government legislation and initiatives have driven positive momentum in the energy industry, increasing demand and projects. However, this growth comes with challenges, especially for organizations lacking the right data and visibility.

Key operational challenges include vague contract terms, incomplete timesheets, and unverified labor charges. Technology solutions can ensure contract clarity, provide real-time data, and improve financial oversight, reducing overpayments and disputes.

Financial issues such as unverified equipment charges, payment errors, and invoice mismatches can also hinder operations. Advanced software can offer real-time visibility and accountability, ensuring transactions align with terms and enhancing efficiency and compliance.

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About the Author

Bruce Grissom has more than five years of operations experience and 35 years of maintenance and turnaround experience. He worked at LyondellBasell’s Houston Refinery ) for 38 of his 40 years and at Delek’s U.S. refinery for two years. He managed Track at these two locations for over 17 years and rolled it out to additional sites with both companies. Today, Grissom is a subject matter expert at Management Controls for Operations and Maintenance.

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